Increase Pressure Washing Business Income

Pressure Washing Business Income

You can start your own window washing service and be in business for pressure washing business income yourself pretty easy, and with very little expense for materials to start out and get going. These days, with the many types of new fold up ladders, you can virtually fit a tall ladder, into almost any little car. It’s always nice to have a professional looking vehicle, if you can afford it, with nice signs, with your name and contact information on it. You can work up to that, after you have a few jobs under your belt, and you want to look even more professional business income

Pressure Washing Business Income

You can check out other window washing services in your area and pressure washing business income, to get a feel for what prices they charging, and what all they do for that price. Call several of them, to get a really good feel for what the average rate is, as you will see high and low prices. You can make up fliers and have a special price for new customers with your flyer, and then pass them out to a neighborhood one at a time, and the phone will start to ring later.

Start Your Own Window Washing Service Business

Make sure you do the best job you can do, and be very courteous, as this kind of business is a repeat customer business and pressure washing business income, because eventually their windows will get dirty again later, and you want them to call you back. They will also tell several family members, and friends, about you, if you do an excellent job.

You could also make up a small flier and put it inside a sandwich bag, with a few stones or pebbles, and slow drive around and toss them into each driveway you drive by to get immediate calls and get your business up and running, and then later you can advertise in newspapers and other places.