Leaky Faucet Repair: DIY Solutions for Drip-Free Taps

Leaky Faucet Repair: DIY Solutions for Drip-Free Taps

Leaky Faucet Repair: DIY Solutions for Drip-Free Taps

A leaky faucet not only wastes water but can also be an annoying household nuisance. Fear not; fixing a leaky faucet is a common DIY task that doesn’t require advanced plumbing skills. In this guide, we’ll walk you through practical solutions to repair a leaky faucet and regain control over your water usage.

Understanding Faucet Types:
Before diving into the repair process, it’s crucial to identify the type of faucet you have. The two main types are compression faucets and washerless faucets. Compression faucets typically have separate hot and cold handles and are more prone to leaks. Washerless faucets,

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